Mind the Skills Gap

Donald Clark: How L&D can start using AI to power performance & productivity

May 31, 2023 Stellar Labs

AI is here, and it's changing the world. But what does that mean for L&D?

Donald Clark, the world-leading authority on AI in learning, joins Stella to shed light on the AI revolution we're living through.

Listen to this episode for fascinating insights, and practical steps L&D can take to use AI to boost productivity and the impact of learning.

Donald and Stella cover a lot of ground in this episode, including:

  • How AI is transforming the L&D industry by improving performance and productivity
  • How large language models, one type of AI, are used to personalise learning content and provide customised feedback
  • Ways AI can also be used to identify skill gaps and provide targeted training
  • The importance of accuracy in AI-powered learning
  • What AI means for more effective and efficient learning.
  • The ethical concerns surrounding AI

Tune in to learn more about the benefits and challenges of AI in learning and development.

Want to know more? Find out how AI drives productivity so that you can design training in ‘minutes, not months' with our platform.

Some other resources that you'll love: 

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